Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16 - O Brave New World

It's a brave new world out there.
Temptation lurks everywhere
And that not just from maidens fair
But also finely coiffed oreo hair:

...the strongest oaths are straw
To the fire i' the blood: be more abstemious
Or else...

...So, yeah, I borrowed something of the above from Shakespeare.  Can you guess which part?

That's right, it was the hair.  Not many people know that about him.


  1. Abstemios is a word I've got to work in an email or blog sometime. THE BARD BITCHEZ!

  2. OH MY GOD. That is the best thing ever. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me you saw this in person. Regardless, yet another thing to make my morning... Thanks!

  3. Ha...sadly no. I stumbled across it on the world wide interwebz this morning. Looking at cookies online isn't cheating right?

  4. WTF??? I can't imagine what she was thinking.

  5. Amazing what the kids these days can find on the inter-web...

  6. i am averse to all words beginning with abst, but do enjoy p...abst.

  7. Oreo themed hairdo, always a classic

  8. Classic! Throw a glass of milk on that!
