Wednesday, September 15, 2010

...And so it begins

Workout 1 of 90 in the books, great to get it rolling.  It turns out that jumping rope is harder than I thought.  I knew it would take me a while to get the timing down, but of the 5 50-jump sets, I only did the 4th one clean, straight through with no hitting my feet or screwing up the timing.  Jumping rope will definitely take me a few days to get used to.

The rest of it felt good, and while the reps don't seem like much it gets tiring quickly with so little rest between sets.  I am stoked to be starting this project.

I might have to change my fitness pic since already 2 people have remarked that it looks like I'm getting arrested.  They were jumping jacks people, ok?


  1. Fitness huh? "Keep your hands where I can see them and step away from the vehicle...."

    A true inspiration indeed!!!!!!

    Go get 'em tiger!

  2. hahahahahahah jumping takes a while to get the hang off. in the beginning, i found it took me at least 200 jumps to get "warmed up" and then really find the flow at about 400.

    baby is mega cute btw.
