Sunday, September 19, 2010

Days 5 & 6 - Two very different days

Doing Sunday's workout, less than 24 hours after reading Patrick's message saying we shouldn't be breathing too hard during the "low-intensity" workout, I got totally gassed jumping rope just in the first couple sets.  I mean my heart was pounding.  I'm usually a big stretcher but for whatever reason just didn't warm up enough and started doing it too cold.  I finished the workout but it took about 30 minutes, and I vowed that I would warm up a little better going forward.  I hadn't gotten this winded so quickly during any of the previous 4 days so I hope it was really just a lack of proper warming up.

So this morning (up at 6:45am on a holiday while my wife & daughter are out of the country?  Me??) I got on the treadmill first, put it on a slight incline and had a brisk 5 minute uphill(ish) walk to get the blood flowing, then did some stretching, then proceeded to bang out my first flawless jump rope session of the project so far.  Buh-BAM!  In fact, I went 70x4 and then did 100 on the last set to see if I could.  It really felt great.

Hey, do you know what I don't like?  Lunges.  There are a few problems.  In no particular order:
- They have a lot more moving parts than a squat, so much like my horrible, horrible golf swing, I feel like I'm rarely doing them the exact same way twice.
- Because of the above, I feel like I might frequently be doing them wrong, and generally feel like an idiot doing them.
- I don't like the word "glutes", but about halfway into a standard lunge workout, I generally start feeling it in the ol' ass muscles.  And then my thought process usually goes something like this: glutes --> gluteus --> gluteus maximus --> Maximus --> Commander of the armies of the North, general of the Felix legions, loyal servant to the true emporer Marucs Aureliuwait a minute how many lunges was that?  Dammit!

What I'm trying to say is lunges, they vex me.  I am terribly vexed.

Tomorrow: our first jump-only day. Trying to decide how to break down the 500 jumps.  I'm thinking 75x4 followed by 100x2.


  1. All right! Another counting and basic math freak! I have to break down jumps into bits and pieces as well. As for lunges, focus on moving straight forward--you shouldn't be moving sideways at all.

    For the mental distraction, I always kind of huff the numbers under my breath as I go, and that way my mouth keeps talking even when my brain wanders off. If that doesn't work for you, got no other brilliant ideas. Happy jumping-only day! I love those.

  2. I have random days where the rope really takes it out of me too. Not sure why they happen.

  3. I hate the lunges too! Im pretty sore but I like the PAIN!

    I am off to do the 500 jumps right now....Looking forward to the diet!

  4. sorry the lunges are vexing you so. in case it helps, here's a description to go along with the photos on your sheet:

    try to keep your upper body/arms completely still and relaxed. with hands on hips, take a big step forward and bend both knees so that the back heel comes up (but not bending that knee so deeply that it touches the floor). step the back foot forward to meet the right. repeat on other side. every once in a while, check to see that your front knee is not bending past your ankle.

    before you know it, you'll be a lunge machine!
