Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 13 - Catching up

Packing on Wednesday night for a 4-day trip to Tokyo I discovered I'd lost my jump rope.  PANIC!  It must have fallen out of my bag when I was changing after playing hoops (we played 2 halfcourt games, and by halfway through the 2nd game I had NOTHING left in my arms).  Anyway after I thought it through I calmed down and realized I could use the one in the gym before flying out Thursday morning, and since I was planning a trip down to Yokohama to train with Patrick on Friday, he would have one, and then I just needed to pick up a new one after that for Saturday.  Crisis averted.  While buying the new one at Don Quixote in Yokohama I also came across this lovely set of pink boxing gloves & pads:

...obviously it made me think of fellow PCPer Jason Block, and that foxy boxing phase he went through in college, back when he had his hair in pigtails.  These would be perfect for him, though I think he had his "sexy punch" tattoo removed in Thailand a couple years ago.

Anyhoooo, back to that workout with Patrick...intensity was the word of the day.  The jump rope didn't go so hot, thanks to a few factors:
- performance anxiety in front of sensei
- general crappiness at jumping rope, especially the slightly-too-short one he had for me
- the dual distractions of hurricane force winds and my agape jaw as a result from the casual yet intense jump rope clinic Patrick was putting on a few feet to my right.

When I finally finished my jumps though, he asked me how long I thought the rest of the workout would take, and I looked at all the exercises and said, hmm, about 30 minutes?  If I recall, we did it in 19.  It made me realize that my 20 second breaks are probably closer to 30+, and Patrick really drove home the burn and drove home the message.  It was exhausting, obviously, but felt terrific.

I finally uploaded some Day 1 pics, let the bidding begin ladies! No Block that does not mean you.



  1. Ooooohhh... how awesome that you got to train with the master! I bet my breaks are longer than 20 seconds too. Glad you brought that up - I will pay better attention!

  2. Lick me sexy! (punch).

    So does Patrick sit indian style and float around the room like Yoda? Move things with his mind? Flick frozen peas off his biceps and kill flies across the room?

    Long Foo Man Choo beard with a yellow bruce lee outfit? Tell me!

  3. Good workout man. Keep that intensity even when you're by yourself.

  4. jump rope with me or blow and it will make you feel better about ur skillz

  5. Jeez I certainly took a lot of shit in that blog wiswell. Nice photo, I am making the bid on you negative, good thing you are married, which eye is akane blind in again?

    Steve and I did the rope and workout in 35mins, and neither of us blew thru the rope bit, me in particular. I just count back quickly from 15 between sets and exercises seems to be about the right break.

  6. @Andy - yeah pretty much. And we switched resistance bands (his is made out of live cobras) for one of the last exercises and I could barely move the thing.

    @J-Blo - careful what you bid on. You know I love you, man.
