Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 4, I want some more... EAT that is.  It took me less than 30 seconds to eat that half sandwich for lunch.  And it would have been faster if I didn't take a couple seconds to hunch over and literally suck off the plate a small piece of tomato that had fallen out.  Anyway, I think my body will soon get used to these smaller portions but it hasn't quite happened yet.

The barbeque last night was fantastic.  I had 1 grilled prawn, half a piece of chicken, and small portions of 3 different salads (one of them was lettuce, crabmeat, figs, blue cheese, some other was a whole lotta awesome.)  I also had a small portion of their homemade blueberry & raspberry crumble for dessert.  This was a victory of epic proportions since as recently as Tuesday I would have absolutely gone to town on that thing.  Everything, even in half portions, was really, really delicious.  Great evening.  Thanks Eddie & Chi.

I haven't been sleeping well since PCP started.  I find my mind racing at night, thinking about the next day's workout, about food, about all kinds of things.  So even though I said yesterday the morning workout was the way forward, today I shut the alarm off when it rang at 7:15, and slept until about 11.  Really needed that.  Woke up, had a quick bowl of cereal, and headed out to our first softball game of the season.  There's a reason we don't play in the summer in Hong Kong.  Holy sheee-yit was it hot out there today.  Anyway I did the workout after getting home and that wasn't easy.  I didn't feel like I had much energy during the game at all, and even less during the workout.  I wonder about how softball will be effected over the next couple months.  We'll see.

Lastly for today: I noticed a few other people said their feet are hurting.  Me too!  I'm a little sore all over, chest & calves mainly, but nothing so bad as the feet.  Guess I haven't used those good ol' feet muscles much lately.  I have a massage booked for tomorrow, can't wait.


  1. Absolutely go for the massage! I honestly think that the extra sleep was a good call. Recharge the batteries?

    I have been sleeping well, until now that is....jet lag has me in its evil grip, and I have been up since 3. Tons of energy now, so I will go take advantage of it.

    keep it up mate!
