Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 14 - Pictures, #'s, a nagging thought

I added a couple Day 10 pics, from post-Patrick workout.  The sweet red splotches on my back are from where he was helping me up on the pull-up bar.  Boy am I white.  At any rate I think there are some small improvements just in those first 10 days, but I'm not too concerned with it either way.  I'm also not concerned with immediate weight loss, though I am down about 2.5 kg (5.5 lbs) in these first two weeks.  I started at 81.1 kg, and am now at 78.5.  I would actually be perfectly happy to finish the program at 78.5 assuming it was comprised of a lot less fat and a whoooole lot more muscle.

Here are some other #'s I got from Patrick's fancy scale on Day 10:
Weight: 78.4
Body Fat%: 19.2
Visceral Fat%: 7.5
Basal Calories: 1771
Muscle Mass%: 35.0
Subcutaneous Fat%: 12.0
BMI: 23.4
Body Age: 38

I'm only 35!  I turn 36 in about a month but dammit, when I am finished that thing is going to say 29.  Patrick can you remind me what the basal calories thing is again -- is that the # of calories a day I need to maintain my current state of not so awesome?  And it should go...down, as I slowly morph into totally awesome?

One thought that's been with me the last few days.  It has to do with brain wiring.  I've read here and there on the blogs of PCPers who are further along than I that it's not just their bodies that are changing, but their brains as well.  That somehow along the way, their hardwiring is being re-done without them even realizing it, and their whole life approach and especially diet approach is different now.  As I walk the aisles of the grocery store, I wonder if that will happen to me, and I wonder how I will feel about it if it does.  I mean, at the moment I am totally cool with this diet but I don't see myself ever NOT loving fritos, pizza, blueberry cheesecake, etc.  Only time will tell.   


  1. Ooooh... a scale that tells you body age? I would love to get on that thing!

  2. Eat a Frito on Day 80 and tell us how it is.

  3. hey how do you post pictures in your blog? I cant find the button to push!

  4. Andy - in the tool bar above the text box where you can change fonts etc, right next to where it says "Link", there is a little picture icon...click on that to insert image.

    Patrick I am setting myself a reminder now to have a frito on day 80. I cannot wait.

  5. The re-wiring is definitely different for different people. A lot of people talk about their indulgences, too salty, too sweet, felt bad afterward....I loved every last bite and drop. And although I probably indulge more than many PCP grads, I still jump and work out religiously, and normal everyday diet is very PCP friendly, not because I don't like the "bad" things, but because I am aware what those bad things can do, and I like the way my PCP body looks and feels and don't want to ruin it, so I think its equal parts guilt and rewiring.....

  6. Jason, thanks for sharing--that's really interesting. I feel pretty rewired, in that I'm just not interested in anything that isn't food anymore (processed stuff doesn't tempt me at all), and not interested much in sugar either, though I always had a sweet tooth (and wouldn't turn down the occasional cookie if it were allowed). That said, I will never not want salt or fat. Maybe just less of both.

    I'll keep following you guys all the way through and look forward to hearing what you think about the Day 80 frito!

  7. Yep, like Kim, I feel pretty brainwashed - I mean, re-wired. ;)

    For the most part, processed food holds no interest. A delicious treat or dish made of quality ingredients? Yes, please! But not every day. That is the part that is different for me - I now understand the foundational food that my body needs in order to operate at peak condition. I have seen the light, in terms of fresh whole foods and how much better I feel when I eat them. So the goodies that I still sometimes crave are now appreciated much more as a periodic indulgence. Should be interesting to see how this all plays out in post-PCP life!

    I'll be checking back to see how that frito goes down!!

  8. I certainly hope I find that to be the case in the end, I can't wait to have a buffalo wing and some fries when this is over with...oh, and a frosty adult beverage.
