Thursday, September 16, 2010

Things are taking shape gut is of course not yet one of those things, but it will be.  Ohhhh it will be.

What is taking shape, slowly, is my understanding of the program and of my own eating habits.  My rhythm jumping rope got a little better too.  It definitely helps to jump in front of a mirror.  I have to say, I was glad to see I wasn't the only one who had some problems with the jumping on Day One, and the flip side of that is that I also hope others are slowly finding the rhythm as well.

I am very hungry as I type, in the office at the end of Day Two, before heading home for half a dinner.  Half a dinner, which I have to condition myself to accept as a full dinner: the new portions aren't small - the old portions were too much.  There is no spoon.  But it's going to take some getting used to, as halfsies just ain't easy, and -- this may shock you -- I like eating delicious things in large quantities.  I split a mid-morning banana with Jasper; that was fairly pathetic, and then I had half a salad for lunch.  My office constantly has snacks lying around.  I don't even know where they come from half the time.  Every once in a while someone will do a Marks & Spencer's run to pick up a boatload of cookies and chocolate, or someone will pop some microwave popcorn, or someone will have brought chocolate back from a business trip.  There's just always something to munch on, and while restraint hasn't proved too hard yet...well yeah, I like eating delicious things.

By the way, speaking of microwave popcorn, The Microwave Popcorn (TM)  is one of two patented, original dances that I invented about 15 years ago down the Jersey shore.  Yes, that Jersey shore, but back before its cheesiness became syndicated.

Mmmmm, cheeeese.


  1. Hi, welcome! Jumping rope takes a while to get good at -- I'm still not very good, even after completing the whole program, but I'm a lot better, and I really like it now. One step (jump) at a time!

  2. To be alive in this modern food environment requires skills that evolution hasn't equipped us with. So be patient as your mind and body get restless these first few days.

  3. Yeah, you can pop the popcorn all you like, just don't eat it. SALT! BAD!

    You and Jasper "split a mid-morning banana"? Not that there's anything wrong with that....

  4. Hold the phone!! You actually invented not one but TWO patented dance moves??? Bill, you may be my hero. You WILL be my hero if you post a demo video. The people need to see your moves!!

    The Jersey shore part doesn't surprise me in the least.

  5. The other dance is the "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, SWEET JESUS IT BURNS GET IT OFF!" which, perhaps as the name indicates, involves somewhat arrhythmic flailing around and rolling on the floor. Perhaps too much time doing this is what has led to my struggles with the jump rope.

    Fortunately I think no video exists of either dance.

  6. Actually there may be some video of it from a wedding or party we have all been at, definitely need to check that out.
