Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21 - Hey that's 3 weeks!

Been a few days since I blogged, sorry.  It's been a very mixed bag in that time, periods of lots & lots of energy and optimism, periods of small cravings and exhaustion.  Saturday was great, I played softball in the early afternoon, and felt great running around in the outfield.  Felt light on my feet and had plenty of energy.  That was in stark contrast to 2 weeks ago, the last time I played, when we were 4 days into halfsies diets and while it felt like I was swinging hard at the ball I was hitting some of the softest laziest flies ever.  I mean I had zero energy in that one.  Anyway got home on Saturday after a fun day at the field, and blew through the workout.  Good times all around.  Sunday up early, workout, breakfast, off to spend some quality family time with wife/kid/sis/bro-in-law/niece.  Really nice weekend.  Actually on Sunday morning I broke my resistance bands, but I think they were a little wimpy anyway.  I today picked up a new, sturdier set more befitting a man of my burgeoning deltoids.  Sunday I finished the workout with the bands in the gym, as thankfully there was a decent set there.  

Anyway Sat & Sun were great, then somehow I woke up on Monday with a killer kink in my neck, I was exhausted all day and generally in a super shitty mood.  So, I had my first real moment of PCP weakness on the way home last night.  To my surprise it wasn't an irresistible food craving.  The food cravings are still coming (burgers, fries, diet cokes, chocolate, etc) but I seem to be able to put them out of my mind fairly quickly.  Rather, in a cab home I very briefly entertained the idea of going home, sitting on my couch, and skipping the workout.  I thought how awesome it would be just to sit on the couch and do nothing.....and then I thought about the blogs, the emails, and how I would have to pretty much own up to it and be "that guy".  This PCP program is well-designed in that regard: at least for me, the social networking (read: peer pressure) aspect of it protects me from myself.  It would just have been too embarrassing to not have done the workout.  Once I got down there, I was fine.  But damn it took a lot of willpower and the threat of embarrassment to get me there.

The difference in the good days & bad days for me seems to be sleep.  I have generally speaking NOT slept well since this thing started.  I spoke to Patrick about it late last week, and Fri/Sat were better, but Sunday was restless again.  And by restless I mean really, really f*cking frustrating.  But hopefully with some combination of breathing, less late night tv/computer action, and some other stuff, I can find a way to get a good night's sleep going forward.  We shall see.  Probably the most frustrating thing from yesterday though was that I found out that I'm apparently the only guy on Team Orange Crush It that has yet to sleep with Block's girlfriend.  WTF guys, I thought we were supposed to be a team???

On a more positive note I have noticed some solid changes with my body.  I put up Day 20 pics last night, and the differences seem only very small looking at the pictures.  But I am definitely thinner around the middle and elsewhere, and I think I am generally a little stronger.  When we started I was between the 4th & 5th notches on the belt, and am now between the 5th & 6th.  So that is all encouraging.


  1. Yeah, I slept poorly and restlessly for the first month, too. Some folks say that regular exercise, even if you get it done early in the day, can do that do you. But it did wear off eventually. Good luck. Also: there are always naps.

  2. Good update man! The photos will show it all soon enough.

  3. I was up a lot, peeing at least 3-4 times, from all the fruits/veggies....nothing I could do about it (unless I wore an adult diaper to bed....wait, why didn't I think of that THEN?!?!?!). I'm sure Patrick gave you some good advice, 1 point definitely would be exercising earlier in the day, not at night....

  4. if makes you feel any better, blo's lady has yet to call me from the bullpen as well. i agree the morning workouts will help both with sleep and the periodic motivational issues, though waking up early for the workout has its own challenges.

  5. Maybe you are just worried too much about all the sh-t you have to do and now you have piled this strict diet and exercise regime on top of that. It definitely keeps me up some nights, that and wondering where my girlfriend is, as if any of you clowns could satisfy her (you're wives all talk way to much by the way).

  6. Bill.

    Found out about you guys doing this tonight. Mad props. I'm sure your body will get used to it and the regular sleep will come.

    Rock on!
