Friday, October 8, 2010

Days 22+23 -- Too early for the iPod

Wednesday Day 22, I tried to spice up the workout a little by introducing my kickass new iPod Nano to the mix.  I was hoping it would put me "in the zone".  iPods and other such devices have been banned from the Showa Kinen Koen disc golf course in Nishi Tachikawa, because they are a proven catalyst for launching disc golfers directly into "the zone", thus giving them an unfair advantage.  A warning to my fellow early-stage PCPers: at least for me, using the iPod during my workout had very much the opposite effect.  It was at best a distraction, and I had one of my worst jump rope sessions to date and frequently lost count of what # rep I was on in any given set of the exercises.  I probably ended up doing too many of most things as I tried to compensate when losing count, and the workout took forever.

So, the brand spanking new iPod, as much as I want to use it, is on the shelf until we move heavily into the timed rather than numbered exercises.  If I have to jump rope for 10 minutes straight with no counting, or hold a plank for 5 minutes or something, hopefully the tunes help me get through that.  But for now, sadly, tunes are out.

I slept like crap again Wednesday night and felt run down and haggard and generally craptastic all day Thursday.  Then last night (sans ipod of course), I proceeded to bang out my best jump rope session ev-ERRRRR.  I think maybe my mind was so exhausted my body just took over?  No idea how, as exhausted as I was, I turned in that good of a workout.  I have been ok with jumps, but typically do 200, 200, 300, 300, or something like that (with a fair # of trip-ups).  Last night I did sets of 400+, 400+, 300+, with maybe 3 or 4 trip-ups total, and felt great the whole time.  No idea where it all came from, but that was unexpectedly awesome.

In the oops department: I was sure I started this whole thing at 81.1kg, but looking in my notes from Day 1, I wrote down 80.1.  I have to assume that's correct and am not sure why I had 81.1 in my head.  So I'm not down as much weight as I thought I was but I've come to appreciate PCP as a whole lot more than a weight loss program, so hey, I am not stressing that oops too much, just wanted 80.1 on the record as the official starting #.

Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. You're on the right track. Jump rope is best done by you reptile brain, not your frontal cortex. If you can find a music that doesn't creep up into your higher functioning you'll do better. No lyrics is a big plus.

  2. Yeah, I can't jump with music at all--it fucks up my rhythm. But it's good for ab exercises--especially planks. Anything to be a distraction!
