Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 72 - Happy Thanksgiving

First and foremost, a very Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow PCPers, Americans and non-Americans alike.  Thanksgiving is such a great holiday.  Last year my mom was out visiting, my sister (who also lives here in Honkey Kong) hosted a huge all-day open house affair, dozens of people came and went for about 8 hours, I went & stayed for about 10 hours, had probably 3 full plates of turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing, all of course covered in gravy, ohhhhhhhhhh the graaavvvvyyy

...aaaand honey sesame glazed carrots, a bunch of other veggie dishes, some milk, some apple cider, a couple slices of pumpkin pie with whipped cream, a couple slices of apple pie with vanilla ice cream, some cookies, maybe a coffee towards the end.  Somewhere Dionysus was high-fiving his buddies like, "Boo-yah!  That's my boy!"  I mean it was epic.

This's a little different.  Sis just had kiddo # 2 about a month ago, and isn't hosting anything.  We've been invited to a couple different Thanksgiving dinner parties but can't make them and/or aren't interested in going, mainly for PCP reasons.  One I would very much like to go to, but the spread will just be too awesomely cruel for me to look at while not partaking.  So on Saturday afternoon, we will have a small family get together, after my sister and her crew go to a "real" Thanksgiving shindig and get sufficiently full, and after I play softball and stick to PCP all day.  We will get together, and instead of it being about the food, we will just be thankful to be able to spend some time together.  So on a day (and weekend) of giving thanks, here are a few of the things I am thankful for.  In no particular order:

- My family, meaning both my wife & daughter, and my sisters/bro in law/nieces/my mom.  Nothing is more important to me than all of them, and they are wonderful.
- The fact that Jason Fishelberg discovered some program on the world wide interwebz called PCP, and ruh-HOCKED it, inspiring many of the rest of us to do it.
- PCP itself.  I am sore all over and don't mind whining about it, but the truth is I haven't felt this good about myself in a long time, and it's only going to get better.
- My almost unmatched prowess in both Scrabble and fantasy football.  Damn I am good at both of those things.
- Sarah Palin.  Only just today, when I heard that she said we must "Stand with our North Korean allies" did I realize how smart she is.  I mean, we are all playing checkers like schoolchildren while she is playing chess.  It is clear to me now that she has figured out what no other politician before her could: that to beat the North Koreans, you simply need to out-crazy them.  And without question, she is the right person for that job.
- Fall foliage.  The promise of snow in Hokkaido in January.  Baseball.  Bell peppers.  Salmon.  So many things.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  


Verrrry late night workout last night - I had to pop by a charity function for a bit, didn't get home until about 8:45pm, finished dinner before 9, had my new pre-workout bread slice around 10pm and then went to the gym.  Kind of got a minor stomach cramp while jumping but pushed through.  The gym closed at 11, which meant I had to do the abs portion back in the apartment, putting a towel down on my daughters play mat.  "V-Sits will be easier with no shoes!" I thought, but ahh, no.  No they weren't.  Anyway I finished the workout and realized, ok it's 11:15pm, I'm now meant to have my post-workout snack of an egg white and 200 ml milk, AND my evening snack of another 300ml milk plus 180g fruit.  I called an audible, nixed the fruit entirely, and went with the egg white, 140ml yogurt (which I'd been on until yday and we need to use the yogurt), and 250 ml milk.  Given the time of night and what we had in the fridge, it just seemed like the right call.  Anyone have any thoughts on that though?  Really didn't want to stuff myself too much, in the end I still felt full when I went to bed an hour later.

And if you think that was a time crunch, now I have a real problem on my hands: Grand Turismo 5 came out yesterday for PlayStation (f*cking FINALLY) and that is going to be a major drain on my free time going forward.  Yes I am 36 and excited about a video game.  Have you seen it?  Unbelievable.



  1. This years Thanksgiving won't tear down your bodies, which is a real gift.

  2. have a thanksgiving feast on Saturday and mags and i are responsible for the stuffing and apple pie. Will be crushed to stand idly by and watch it get consumed. next year!

  3. I also avoided any and all thanksgiving parties this year, firm has its bonenkai next Friday though...doh!
