Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 51 - Damn, yo

I'm looking for an appropriate name for yesterday's leg workout.  Something that blends together the words legs, rubber, and insanity.  I'm coming up empty so any suggestions are welcome.

Some random musings:
- I welcome the post-workout yogurt I'm on from this week.  I hope that will feed my hungry muscles as these workouts get harder & harder.  I'll definitely miss my afternoon fruit however, which has been replaced by...more yogurt.  Hmmph.
- I have been finding myself pretty hungry a lot still.  I'm not sure if I'm meant to have adjusted to this amount of food already, but it doesn't seem to have happened.  I'm hungry.  A lot.
- I love my lunches.  The rest of the diet is really starting to bore me.

- I mentioned in another post recently that the workouts are "still very hard for me."  I think I wrote that before seeing what was in store for this week.    Now they are "absurdly hard for me"...the legs yesterday I could not finish.  It seems strange to hit failure in floor jumps; you kind of just assume your body can jump like that as many times as it needs to but...nope.  Today's chest exercises, the dips went 8, 8, 8, 5, respectable enough, but then push ups were 8, 7, 5, 5, or somewhere in there, I can't quite remember but the point is, it's still really tough.  I still can't do more than 5 pull-ups.  This is frustrating because I have lost a ton of weight, and definitely added some muscle here & there, and I really feel like I should be able to do more pull-ups, push-ups, etc, but at the moment for whatever reason the upper body strength just is not there.

- I have yet to even watch 8 minute abs, let alone do it.  I planned on mixing it in to either the rest day workout or the weekend workouts, but have been thoroughly exhausted by the "normal" stuff, and never got there.  I will endeavor to watch it this weekend.
- I haven't given much thought to my next indulgence yet.  Maybe dinner Saturday?  No idea.
- I haven't started the homework assignment yet, the one where we pretend to explain different parts of PCP to a young kid.  Another weekend project, I suppose.

Kind of a negative tone to this post, for which I apologize, but at the moment I am feeling VERY MUCH still stuck in the PCP valley.


  1. Oh, this made me laugh a little and sympathize a lot. You are not stuck in the valley. You are just hanging out there and enjoying the view a bit while you muster the energy to climb out of it. And once you get the momentum to do that you won't look back. Muscle failure is the BEST! You've pushed it all the way!

  2. Weak weeks become strong months. Finding these exercises difficult and failing MEANS THEY'RE WORKING PERFECTLY. Change your perspective dude!

  3. great post bill. I am with you on the push-ups (and a lot of the confession items for that matter), which I (thought) I'd be stronger at.

  4. I think as you said, there would be no point if the workouts were easy. I am finding them almost impossible to complete, but as long as you push till you can't do another rep with any semblance of form, think you'll be all right.

  5. I was in PCP valley last week'll pass! Push yourself as hard as you can and thats all you can do push push!

  6. No negativity from where I sit. Just a realization that this shit is tough, and you gots to be tough to get through it.

    Why do we fall down Bruce? So we can get back up.
