Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 64, THANK YOU...

...for more food.  Was so stoked when I saw the new diets this morning.  I have stayed consistently hungry throughout this thing.  I get hunger pangs during the day, but usually those are mid-morning or mid-afternoon, and make me realize, "Ooh, time for a snack!"...but it's the other main time I get hungry that is the problem: late at night, around 11pm to midnight-ish.  And I don't get any snacks then but man would I love one.  So anyway, very thankful for more food which will hopefully help me get through the day with less temptation & less pain.

The workouts are going pretty well.  I still can't finish a lot of stuff.  Push-ups if dips are first, pull-ups in general, though I'm definitely still making progress and seeing results.  Definitely building muscle, losing fat, and enjoying it.  One major concern for the rest of the way: my lower gut.  Just about everything else is proceeding satisfactorily, but my lower gut just will not go away.  The fat has come off almost everywhere else, but is just incredibly stubborn there.  What to do?  More jumps?  Push harder on planks?  Both?


  1. Hi from Team Cookie Monster! I'm excited about the new diet too! I've been consistently hungry for a while now, so thankful for more grammage!

  2. Gut just takes time. And it's already gotten much smaller than before!

  3. I am the same way! I just cant get that lower fat to come off the belly.

    Took me 10 years to grow that belly...guess a three month removal is asking a little too much?

  4. Same here, that seems to be the last hold out, just want that six pack to shine thru and there is some pesky fat hiding all this hard work. Maybe lipo?

  5. i am in the same period and at the same place, WRT buddha belly. good to read that you guys all went thru the same, and came out with the 6 packs :)
