Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 83 - catching up

First things first, I got called out today by none other than my "inspiration" person, PCP grad Jason Fishelberg, for not having pics up since Day 55, so I am uploading the last ones I took - first from Day 64 that just never got uploaded, and then from tonight, Day 83.  So those are all up now.  Not sure what happened to the lighting on the last back picture; looking at that & then at all the others, you'd think I rotate the sun with the same alignment as Mercury.  I'm pretty sure I'm not actually that two-toned, but who knows.

Next, my 3rd & final indulgence: Sorry for the delay in blogging about it.  It didn't go well, and I want a do-over. I SAAAAID, I WANT AN INDULGENCE MULLIGAN!  Well I guess Patrick's probably not the mulligan type, so I'll have to wait until Day 91.  Anyway, I had it all planned, meeting up with the guys last Thursday night, softball league night, bacon cheeseburger, fries, ice cold coke, I was pretty stoked just at the very idea of it all.  When I got there one guy already was eating one, and I couldn't wait to get mine.  It looked fantastic, then I got it, wasn't really all that.  It tasted good but for some reason not great, which was mildly annoying, but that wasn't even the bad part: when I got home a few hours later not only did I upchuck all the ground chuck, I spent the better part of Thursday night, into Friday morning, dry-heaving over my toilet.  I ended up calling in sick to work, sleeping all day Friday, and not working out.  So I'm still a day behind on the workouts and will catch up tomorrow (this is like the 3rd or 4th time I've missed a Friday or Saturday workout & ended up working out on a Tuesday "rest day".)

Anyway, pretty disastrous 3rd Indulgence.  None of the rest of the guys who ate the same thing got sick, so while I could chock it up to my body rejecting that sort of greasy crap, I felt totally fine while eating it.  I just don't quite understand what happened, which is why I want a mulligan.  Day 90-something will feature a cheeseburger and fries (probably from somewhere else), because I want to know if my body is really going to reject that going forward.  WTF.

Homework still to be done:
- Read others' blogs, way behind on that
- Gym snooping
- Dig up a new ab exericse

It's 12:10am, this is when I have time to update the blog.  I finished my workout at 10:45pm, had my post workout snack, then around 11:15pm I had my evening snack, fruit + milk.  I thought it was probably too late but I wanted and ate it anyway.


  1. Heh. Your stomach lining is real delicate now and you've lost a lot of the grease cutting flora and fauna that used to live in your gut. You're not the first to upchuck indulgence 3 and you won't be the last. Fascinating.

  2. Totally bogus Patrick. Physical inability to enjoy a cheeseburger is not what I signed up for dammit! It is a basic human right!

  3. You'll get the flora and fauna back as you transfer into greasy nasty fattening food again. Lucky you!
