Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 90 - What a ride

Day 90, wow, it's over.  I disagree with those who said it flew by.  It flew by like a long distance flight in cattle class where you feel like you've been on it forever then you look up and there's still 9 hours left, the guy next to you keeps stealing the arm rest, and the fat guy behind you periodically yanks on the back of your seat to help himself stand up.  Or something.  It was just <bleeping> hard, period.  There were a ton of ups and downs, but PCP is so brilliantly structured, you have the support of your group and you have the pictures, always the pictures, to track your progress.  The changes really are incredible.

Over the summer I was in Tokyo and Jason Fishelberg told me about this program he was doing...eat healthy, no this, no that, high protein, low fat, exercise every day, yada yada.  I knew he'd done various cleansing diets or whatnot before, stuff that didn't really take (and, as it turns out, slightly messed with his metabolism) and I didn't really give it much more thought.  Then I saw his before & after pics, and was just totally blown away.  And, what's that you say Fish, it's sustainable...?  What I'm trying to say is, J, thank you for finding this, and rocking it, and inspiring the rest of us to PCPtasticness.  Thanks also to Patrick and Chen for designing a program that is so powerful & life changing, yet when you boil it down, so incredibly simple.  More than anything else, PCP was an education for me.   Chatting with Patrick today, he said he & Chen feel that if they ever had to advertise, they'd have failed.  I said I'd wager that most PCP grads find it hard to not be evangelical in spreading the word, so I don't think that will be a problem.  Convert, O ye of little muscle and much flab!  Discardeth ye thine french fries; embraceth instead this carrot.  I want everyone to get on board, but I realize not everyone is ready.  That is not going to stop me from shouting it from the hilltops.  So, since me and my fellow PCP grads are basically walking billboards, here are some pictures to support the cause:

Day 1 back
Day 90 back

Day 1 side, yuck
Day 90 - Bruce Lee isn't here right now, can I help you?

Day 1, socks & flab
Day 90, neither

.....Aaaaaand, the obligatory old pants shot!  I went from a size 35 waist to a 31:


Weigh-in on 15Sep2010: 80.1kg (176 lbs)
Weigh-in (weigh-out?) on 13Dec2010: 70.9kg (156 lbs)

...so I lost about 11.5% body weight while at the same time adding a lot of muscle.  That doesn't suck.  And my much stronger legs are looking forward to carrying my much lighter body all over the mountain this snowboarding season.

As I said earlier, more than anything else, PCP was for me an education.  Food fiction and food fact, efficient exercise (ohhhh the burn!) vs wasted time, and so on.  More than the squats they make you do, or the egg whites they ask you to eat, it's the knowledge that Patrick & Chen impart that makes these results sustainable.   

Thank you.


  1. Damn homie look at the carve on that side ab shot. Very few people have the patience or dedication to get below 10% body fat like you've done here. That's why this thing felt so bleeping hard. You crushed it! Congratulations and COMPLETE!

  2. Hello Patrick Bateman. Looking ripped Bill! Thank you for introducing me to PCP via Fish, its been a life changer. Definitely been easier with 2 of doing PCP/taking flak on the desk.

  3. Dude you look INCREDIBLE! Nice work man!

    Cant wait to sit behind you on your next flight....

  4. What did you do to increase your back freckles? Was that some part of the diet I didn't get? Haha...seriously though, what did you do?

    Awesome work man, thanks for steering us into this and you look almost good enough now to be married to your beautiful wife...

    35" waist? Wow, didn't realize you had that girth going around the mid riff, great job getting it to 31".

  5. You are wise in the ways of the PCP, young Padawan! Well done! You CRUSHED it!

    Missed you at the PCP Hooters Bonnenkai last night....wait, did I just type that out loud? Its OK, Obi-wan was there! He was pitching a Hooters/PCP JV, screening the waitresses for, er, suitability (ooooh Hot Coco....).

  6. crushed it wiz - you look awesome.
